My name is Karin Lundberg and runs Dalslandsresor. Looking forward to an exciting season where I promise to do everything for you to have a wonderful experience in our Beautiful Wild Dalsland.
Let’s arrange your vacation or conference!
We are something else
We collaborate with most tourist companies in Dalsland and can offer ready-made package solutions with canal boats, bicycle, dressin, canoeing and hiking.
If you do not find anything that suits you, we will help you to specialize a package. Why not combine good accommodation, delicious food and channel travel on Sweden’s most beautiful channel, into a channel package. Exploring Dalsland by bike is amazing, you are also well-fed, eat well and we drive your luggage. Want to know more about Dalsland, go to
Dalslandsresor has a travel guarantee at Kammarkollegiet and is a member of DTAB (Dalslands Turist AB)
Welcome to Dalsland!